Restaurant Interior

Group project that focused on the revitalization of downtown Cedarville, Ohio. We chose to design a restaurant for both students and residents in the community to use as a social spot and resource for healthy and unique foods.

Brief: Design an interior space that promotes community between the town, university students, and visitors from all around.

How might we.... integrate a new themed restaurant in a positive way to a town that has never experienced it before.

Lebanese Inspired

Menu designed for the restaurant

Owner Persona


  • Create a successful business

  • Meet and welcome new people

  • Share fantastic meals

  • Educate people about her culture

The Mediterranean diet is one of the healthiest in the world, and Lebanese culture is focused on family and community. Our design will deliver a fresh, healthy, quality, familial dining experience to Cedarville village.

Final Floor Plan & Renders

Food Counter Render

A viewing window behind the counter allows for customers to see food preparation, especially cutting the shawarma, which can enhance customer experience.

Kitchen View

Island kitchen layout allows for employees to walk around efficiently and comfortably.

Kitchen View